The Czech Hydrometeorological Institute contains weather forecasts for the Czech Republic with a resolution of up to one kilometer, warning of dangerous phenomena and prediction of tick activity. Weather forecasts can be displayed for the current location as well as for user-selected and saved locations.
Weather forecasts are taken from several sources: the Aladin model, short-term forecasts, weather forecast corrected forecasts, and radar data.
Hazardous phrases display an overview of meteorological, flood, fire and airborne alerts.
Ticks activity indicates the risk of tick ticking on humans.
Weather today
The full day forecast and the hour forecast for the next 24 hours for the selected site are displayed.
For day-to-day forecasts, the maximum daily and minimum nighttime temperatures, cloud day and night icons, 12-hour rainfall per day or night, 24-hour wind speed, and maximum hour wind speed are available.
Hourly forecasts indicate cloud cover with icon i in percent, temperature, direction, and wind speed.
Turning the screen horizontally displays the data for today's and two subsequent days graphically (meteogram).
The data is based on the Aladin model.
Forecast for six days
The predictions for the first two days are from the Aladin model and apply to the selected location. They show the cloud icon for day and night, the highest daytime and lowest nighttime temperatures, 24 hour rainfall, 24 hour maximum wind speed, and its direction in hour with maximum wind speed.
For the next four days, only the cloud icon and maximum daily temperature are displayed. These data are based on the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute's short-term forecast.
Displays rain weather radar data for the last two hours and forecast for the next hour. The data are available as animations for the whole territory of the Czech Republic with a time resolution of 10 minutes.
Aladin rainfall forecasts show the total rainfall per hour in millimeters of water column with a surface resolution of one kilometer. The forecast includes the period processed by the Aladin model. It is updated four times a day.
Text predictions for 8 days
Text predictions are valid for the whole Czech Republic. They are processed by meteorologists of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute on the basis of analysis of many sources. There is a forecast for today, tonight, individually for the next five days, and a view of Day 6 - 8.
They show an overview of alerts issued by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. For the territory of each municipality with extended competence, an overview of the alerts applicable to its territory is available with a brief description and hour of the alert. Temperature extremes, strong winds, snow phenomena, icy phenomena, storm phenomena, rainfall, flood phenomena, fires, mists and air pollution are issued.
Ticks activity
The higher the degree of activity, the higher the risk of ticks on the person. The scale of tick activity is divided into ten degrees. The forecast is issued from April to October on Mondays and Thursdays.